Safety system for healthcare staff

Subtitle: The RFiD Discovery Staff Serenity Emergency Call system helps safeguard medical staff in hospitals, care homes and other healthcare environments.
healthcare professionals in a hospital


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Real-time alerts and location visibility in the event of any aggressive behavior
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Helps protect safety of doctors and nurses in high-risk areas including ER
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Helps reduce stress related staff absences
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Quick response times for security staff

The RFiD Discovery Staff Serenity Emergency Call system helps safeguard medical staff in case of personal attacks from patients or visitors in healthcare environments. When a nurse or doctor triggers the alarm using their personal staff badge, the system automatically alerts security staff, identifying the individual in trouble and helping to pinpoint their location in the hospital.

Protecting your staff with an emergency call system

Since the pandemic, there has been a marked increase in violence against healthcare workers. The American Hospital Association (AHA) reports that healthcare workers suffer more workplace violence and injury than any other environment.

The AHA also states that 44% of nurses report an increase in physical violence since the pandemic and a majority (68%) report an increase in verbal abuse.

How the staff emergency call solution works

system tag

The system

All staff are equipped with a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) badge that can be worn around the neck or put in their pocket. Anchors and gateway readers are placed at key locations
to detect the presence of staff badges. 

raising alarm

Raising an alarm

When a staff member feels threathened by aggressive behavior from a patient or visitor, the badge button is pressed. As soon as this happens, the employee is located in real time. There is also the option of having additional panic buttons installed discretely behind a desk or in treatment areas.

alerting security

Alerting security

Flashing lights installed at reception, at the security desk or in staff areas change from green to red and emit an audible alarm. This means that colleagues and security staff are alerted about the incident as soon as the button has been pressed. Thanks to the location information provided by the system, they can instantly locate the place of the incident and intervene quickly before the situation escalates.

Visualising the location of an incident

As soon as a badge is activated, it will appear for 15 minutes on the RFiD Discovery platform. This enables security personnel and other employees to know exactly where their colleague in difficulty is, so they can provide swift assistance.

To protect the privacy of staff, badges are only located by the system in case of an incident when the wearer clicks the button. Otherwise, no location information is recorded.  

Fixed equipment

staff serenity system

The installation of the fixed equipment required for the Staff Serenity system is quick and easy. Anchors and gateway readers are placed at key locations to detect the presence of staff badges. The desired number of warning lights with sounders are installed in departments where staff can be alerted easily. A touch screen can be provided in order to have permanent access to the RFiD Discovery platform which allows staff to be informed of the location of a suspected attack within seconds.

The same technology is also used for our medical device and other location tracking solutions within healthcare. This means that the different solutions to be combined if required and benefit from the same network of fixed gateways and anchors to reduce capital expenditure.

safety system for healthcare staff brochure

Protect your healthcare staff with a safety system which can locate staff in distress instantly so security staff can intervene quickly before a situation escalates.

Download our Staff Serenity brochure


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