Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) tracking with Wirepas

Subtitle: Our Bluetooth Low Energy tracking solutions are ideal for locating key assets and people in real-time with very little requirement for new infrastructure
Bluetooth Low Energy


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Real-time visibility of assets
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Fast and easy implementation
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Accurate reporting
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Benefits Title
Improved utilization of assets

BLE tracking solutions offer a myriad of benefits across diverse industries, ranging from improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness to enhanced accuracy and compatibility. By leveraging various types of readers, businesses can harness the power of BLE technology to streamline operations, enhance security, and unlock new opportunities for growth. 

Low-cost and easy-to-implement BLE tracking solutions

What is BLE?

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a wireless communication technology designed for short-range communication between devices while consuming minimal power. Unlike classic Bluetooth, BLE is optimized for low power consumption, making it ideal for applications where energy efficiency is crucial.

BLE uses 2.4 GHz unlicensed radio band to interconnect nearby devices which was developed for the Internet of Things (IoT). It can be used to track assets and people in real-time throughout buildings and within defined outdoor areas. 


Why use BLE tracking?

Monitor showing location map

RFiD Discovery's BLE tracking solution offers a simple-to-implement system which enables organizations to improve asset visibility and utilization by tracking equipment and even staff in real time. We use Wirepas technology, to make sure our systems are secure, easy to deploy, reliable and scalable.

Requiring very little new infrastructure, our innovative tracking system provides a fast way to quickly locate key assets such as medical devices, IT, test or safety equipment as well as tools and many others.

How does BLE location tracking work?

Each item or person to be tracked is fitted with a specialist battery powered BLE tag which broadcasts their unique ID at set intervals via radio frequency using Wirepas technology. A wide variety of different tags is available to suit different types of assets and environments. To track people, BLE wristbands, staff tags or tags integrated in clothing can be used. Tags are shockproof and waterproof, and can withstand standard cleaning processes. Batteries are changed easily, and last several years depending on selected signal intervals.

Tagged assets or people are detected by strategically placed battery powered BLE anchors, which means that no cabling is required. Anchors form a mesh network with a decentralized operation, which always finds a way to connect devices regardless of the environment. 

Locations are calculated based on advanced algorithms to an accuracy of up to 3 meters (or 'room-level') depending on infrastructure density. Live location information is sent to the central RFiD Discovery database which staff can access on a map or list view using an intuitive user interface.

This means that the required items or people can be located quickly without the need for manual checking. Live visibility of equipment locations enables organizations to monitor how many critical assets are available at any given time, and highlight shortages or surplus. 

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High accuracy Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) RTLS based on Quuppa™ technology


Our RFiD Discovery software can track Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) tags leveraging Quuppa™ locators and antennas and its unique real-time location processing methods for high precision geolocation and ultra long lasting batteries.

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