
This system is the best technology for industry 4.0, enabling real time asset tracking, accurate location and workflow digitalization.
Keeping track of products, parts, assets and raw materials in indoor warehouses and outdoor storage areas is a challenge for many logistics, manufacturing, and other businesses. Failing to locate the right part or product quickly can cause production or shipping delays. Traditional tracking solutions often require a dense reader infrastructure to provide accurate location data and therefore carry a high cost and effort involved in the implementation.
The solution
RFID Discovery’s new LiftTrak system is the perfect solution, providing real-time indoor and outdoor tracking. By accurately tracking the location of inventory and assets, it enhances productivity, increases stock accuracy, and improves flow management.
With readers mounted directly onto materials handling equipment (MHE) such as forklifts, LiftTrak enables continuous indoor and outdoor traceability for assets and inventory without the need for fixed infrastructure.
The solution was developed in close co-operation with industry and enables the 3D tracking of items. This means the system not only records the rack location or outdoor location, but also the height of the item on the shelf or stacking position in a pile.

How does LiftTrak work?

Each item to be tracked is fitted with a passive UHF RFID tag. MHE such as forklifts, cranes or automated guided vehicles (AGV) which move these items, are fitted with a specially designed reader. The reader includes multiple UHF RFID antennas as well as GPS and Lidar for outdoor applications.

By detecting reference position tags mounted on each shelf location, the MHE-mounted reader determines the position where an item is dropped. At the same time, the item tag is read and associated with the shelf location at the time of the drop. For outdoor applications, the forklift location can be tracked via GPS or alternatively, landmark RFID tags can be placed on the floor at each storage position to confirm the location of the product or pallet drop.

Location data is then sent to the central RFiD Discovery database via Wi-Fi or 3, 4 or 5G network. Where no network is available, data is stored until a network connection is made. The RFiD Discovery platform provides a choice of mapping and list views to show the location of tagged products and assets. Data can be displayed by product position, product type or production order. Historic data is stored so that product and equipment movements can be analyzed to improve processes and streamline operations.

Case Study Video Aubert & Duval

Check out our innovative LiftTrak solution using forklift mounted readers.
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